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The World Market for Flowmeters,  
3rd Edition - Now Shipping!

A New Market Study from Flow Research


Worldwide Survey of Flowmeter Users

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This study was released on October 1, 2010.

We contacted over 360 people at 270 flow companies worldwide to gather data for this study. - Now shipping! This study was released on October 1, 2010.

This page contains an overview of a new market study from Flow Research on the worldwide flowmeter market. If you are interested in the study, please contact Jesse Yoder at Flow Research by email at  jesse@flowresearch.com, or call Flow Research at 781-245-3200.

For the first time in many years, you can profit from comprehensive market research on the worldwide flowmeter market – all in one place.  The World Market for Flowmeters, 3rd Edition, is the most complete picture ever presented of the worldwide flowmeter market.  This new study, now available, includes both new-technology and traditional technology flowmeters, as well as emerging flow technologies of sonar and optical. 

This full-color study includes:

·         Market size of the worldwide market for all 14 flowmeter technologies

·         Market size forecasts for each flowmeter type through 2014

·         Market shares for each flowmeter type in 2009 with annual forecasts through 2014

·         Both worldwide and regional market size and market share data

·         A technology description and analysis for each flowmeter type, including major competitive strengths and weaknesses

·         A product line analysis for all of the major manufacturers of each technology type

·         Company profiles with product information for easy comparison

·         Informative selling strategies for companies already in a market segment, or planning to enter one  

Why we are publishing this study

Although 2009 was a down year for many companies, the flowmeter market began improving in the fourth quarter of that year. We see strong evidence of significant growth in 2010, in part due to continued growth in the energy markets and demand for instrumentation in China and India .  In addition, suppliers have released a steady stream of new products, especially for new-technology flowmeters.  It was time to take a fresh look at the worldwide flowmeter market to determine the amount of growth that has occurred, and to see how the different technologies compare with each other today.  We will also determine how the economic downturn has impacted the market.

Text Box:  Segmentation covers what our clients want

Our research shows that the 2007 global market for flowmeters was just over US$4.5 billion. That’s a big market!  In order to make this market more understandable, we have divided it into three flowmeter groups. From there, we’ve looked at each of the flowmeter technologies individually. Then we’ve listened to what our clients have told us is the most important market segmentation for each technology. 

For example, the Coriolis, ultrasonic, and vortex chapters gives the breakdown between liquid, gas, and steam. The magnetic market is divided between wafer, flanged, and insertion types. All flowmeter technologies are treated in similar detail, including a basic set of segmentations for each flowmeter technology, as well as segmentations specific to each flowmeter technology. 

The study provides worldwide geographic breakouts provided for each flowmeter technology:  

·         North America

·         Europe (including Central Europe and the FSU)

·         Japan

·         Asia without Japan

·         Rest of World (Latin America, Africa, Middle East )


The following market segments are common to each flowmeter technology chapter:  

·         Market size in dollars and units

·         Manufacturer market shares

·         Average selling prices by region

·         Technology analysis

·         Product summaries by major manufacturer

·         Supplier tables by fluid, hardware, or technology


Why you must have this study

  • Stay current with up-to-the-minute data on flowmeter shipments

  • Understand how the 14 flow technologies stack up against each other

  • Benefit from knowledge gleaned from 18 years of data and 100+ studies

  • Be among the first to own an “instant classic” – at a price you can afford

  • Capitalize on insights from onsite visits to suppliers and end-users in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States

  • Learn strategies to help you build your product line

  • Assess your competitive positions with detailed company profiles

To order this once-in-a-lifetime study, contact Flow Research, or fill out the order form above!

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