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Volume X: An Overview
Flow Research has completed a new market study on the worldwide flowmeter market. The primary goal was to determine the size of the worldwide flowmeter market in 2007. In addition, forecasts through 2012 are included. The study is called The World Market for Flowmeters, 2nd Edition.
The study has multiple purposes:
determine worldwide market size and market shares for all types of flowmeters in
· To forecast market growth for all types of flowmeters through 2012
· To determine the breakout of liquid, gas, and steam for individual flow technologies
· To provide a product analysis for the main companies selling into the flowmeter market
· To provide strategies to manufacturers for selling into the flowmeter market
· To provide company profiles of the main suppliers of flowmeters.
One main goal of this study is to determine the size of the flowmeter market worldwide in 2007. We will approach this subject from the bottom up by analyzing the market size for each type of flowmeter, and then totaling these into the size of the entire flowmeter market.
This study divides the flowmeter market by technology into three types:
New-Technology Flowmeters
Traditional Technology Flowmeters
Emerging Technology Flowmeters
Background of
The worldwide flowmeter market has changed substantially since the first edition of this study was published in 2003. While 2003 was a down year for many companies, the flowmeter market began improving in the fourth quarter of that year. The last three years, 2004, 2005, and 2006, have been years of significant growth for the worldwide flowmeter market. Growth in the energy markets and demand for instrumentation from China and India are some of the reasons for this growth. In addition, suppliers have released a steady stream of new products, especially for new-technology flowmeters. It is time to take a new look at the worldwide flowmeter market in 2007, to determine the amount of growth that has occurred, and to see how the different technologies stack up against each other.
Since completing our first worldwide flowmeter market study in 2003, we have been following this market very closely. Many developments have been described in our quarterly report, the Market Barometer. Each issue of the Market Barometer includes an update on the market for each type of flowmeter. This new study builds on the knowledge we have gained over the years, since the 2003 edition, but it is a completely new look at this market. For more information on the Market Barometer, go to www.worldflow.com.
This study will address the key issues in the worldwide flowmeter market, including:
Growth in the ultrasonic flowmeter market, especially the market for custody transfer of natural gas
Continued growth in the Coriolis flowmeter market
Comparison of the DP flowmeter and primary elements market to other flow markets
The impact of the expanding oil & gas and energy industries on the flowmeter market
The effect of growth in China, India, and other developing countries on the worldwide flowmeter market
Continued expansion of the magnetic and vortex flowmeter markets
The impact of new-technology flowmeters on the positive displacement and turbine flowmeter markets
Mergers and acquisitions in the worldwide flowmeter market
The impact of new standards, such as the new American Petroleum Institute (API) standard for vortex flowmeters used in custody transfer
segmentation for this study is as follows.
Geographic Segmentation:
· North America
· Europe, including Central Europe and FSU
· Japan
· Asia without Japan
· Rest of World (Latin America, Africa, Middle East)
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Bent Tube vs. Straight Tube
· Liquid, Steam, and Gas
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Wafer, Flanged, and Insertion
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Transit Time, Doppler, and Hybrid
· Liquid, Steam, and Gas
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Multivariable, Smart, and Conventional
· Liquid, Steam, and Gas
Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Liquid and Gas
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· DP Flow Transmitters and Primary Elements
· Liquid, Steam, and Gas
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Water, Gas, Oil, Industrial Liquids
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Water, Gas, Oil, Industrial Liquids, Steam
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Market Shares
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Liquid, Gas, and Steam
· Product Analysis
· Geographic Breakout Worldwide
· Market Size in Dollars and Units
· Liquid, Gas, and Steam
· Market Shares
This study was published in April 2008.
Jesse Yoder is President of Flow Research Inc., a company he founded in 1998.
Dr. Yoder has 20 years’ experience as a writer and analyst in process
control and instrumentation. Since
1990, he has written more than 100 market research studies, most of them in the
area of flow and instrumentation. Some
of the recent and currently scheduled Flow Research studies are as follows:
I: The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (2008)
II: The Global Market for Magnetic Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (September
III: The World Market for Ultrasonic Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (January 2008)
IV: The World Market for Vortex Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (March
V: The World Market for DP Flowmeters and Primary Elements
(January 2007)
VI: Worldwide Survey of Flowmeter Users, 2nd Edition (January
VII: The World Market for Positive Displacement Flowmeters (2002)
VIII: The World Market for Turbine Flowmeters (2002)
IX: The World Market for Pressure Transmitters, 2nd Edition
(October 2007)
X: The World Market for Flowmeters (includes all flow technologies) (April, 2008)
XI: The World Market for Gas Flow Measurement (September
XII: The World Market for Steam Flow Measurement (March 2008)
XIII: The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers (Jume 2008)
Market for Temperature Sensors in the Americas, 2nd Edition (May
Market for Temperature Transmitters in the Americas, 2nd Edition (November
These studies are described at http://www.flowresearch.com/flow.htm
Dr. Yoder has also written more than 70 articles on flow and instrumentation for trade journals. Links to many of these can be found at http://www.flowresearch.com/articles.htm.
Norm Weeks, Market Analyst, joined Flow Research in November 2004 after a 24-year stint with Verizon. At Verizon, Norm specialized in creating innovative customer solutions, product management, and product marketing. He is now a fulltime market analyst for Flow Research, and has already completed several studies.
Belinda Burum, Vice President and Editor, has worked in high tech for 16 years as a technical writer and marketing communications manager. She joined the company in 2002, and has since then worked on many projects. She is a very talented writer, and has a strong customer focus. In addition to her work on market studies, Belinda is serving as associate editor of the Market Barometer and the Energy Monitor.
Besides writing and publishing studies of this type, Flow Research specializes in user surveys that include a detailed analysis of customer perceptions. In addition, Flow Research provides quarterly updates on the flow and energy industries in the Market Barometer and the Energy Monitor. The Energy Monitor analyzes the current state of the oil & gas, refining, power, and renewables industries, and the implications for instrumentation supplier. Both reports are part of the Worldflow Monitoring Service; more details are available at www.worldflow.com. For more information on Flow Research, please visit our website at www.flowresearch.com.
Water Street
MA 01880
224-7552 (fax)
produce studies that most closely match our clients’ needs, Flow Research
instituted the Founding Sponsor Program. This
program enables companies who wish to participate at a high level in a study’s
research to influence its scope and segmentation.
In addition, Founding Sponsors receive regular updates from Flow Research
on study progress, and receive a significant discount on the standard retail of
the study.
Early in the planning phase of a study, Founding Sponsors receive a proposal
that includes the proposed segmentation. Founding
Sponsors can propose additional segmentation, and can also suggest changes to
the proposed segmentation. While
the decision to adopt particular segmentation ultimately lies with Flow
Research, and is based on input from all contributors, we will do our best to
accommodate the specific needs of each of our clients.
the research phase of a study, Flow Research will issue regular reports that
provide updates on the progress of the research. These reports will be sent to Founding Sponsors, who are then
invited to provide any additional input or comments into the study.
a Founding Sponsor requires making an early commitment to purchase the study.
However, in return, Founding Sponsors receive a significant discount off
the regular price of the study. Payment
can be made either in one amount at the beginning of the study, or split into
two, with the second payment due upon delivery of the study.
additional details, or to find out how the Founding Sponsor program applies to
any particular study, please contact Flow Research. We look forward to working with you!
you have any questions about the Founding Sponsor program, please contact Norm
Weeks at (781) 245-3200, or norm@flowresearch.com.
Water Street
MA 01880
224-7552 (fax)